Scarlett Johansson has been adamant about her feelings towards her Hollywood nickname. Largely started by media outlets and carried on by fans, the JoJo Rabbit star is commonly referred to as ScarJo, a nickname Johansson herself wishes would stop.

In 2011, the actress called the nickname "awful" in an interview with USA Today (via Huffpost). "It's a laziness...People can't actually say the whole name? It's just bizarre ... so Cate Blanchett is not, like, 'CaBla'? Why is that? Why do I have to get stuck with [ScarJo]?" said the actress.

Johansson ranted again about the nickname in an interview with Glamour in 2014, saying "I associate that name with, like, pop stars. It sounds tacky. It's lazy and flippant. And there's something kind of violent about it. There's something insulting about it."

To be fair, some of the most memorable celebrity nicknames are for musicians, but ScarJo has to be better than simply being called "that girl from that movie"...right?
