It’s Wednesday night, and you know what that means! AEW Dynamite will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage.
The start time for AEW Dynamite is at 8:00 PM EST. Match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below.
Tonight promises an exciting night of action as we will finally hear from The Elite after their vicious assault at the hands of the Blackpool Combat Club. We will also get the much awaited confrontation between Chris Jericho and Adam Cole. The complete match card is as follows:
- Jamie Hayter & Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. vs. Ruby Soho & Toni Storm
- Jay White vs. Komander
- The Acclaimed vs. JAS
- Chris Jericho confronts Adam Cole
- We hear from The Elite
- We hear from FTR
- TNT Championship: Powerhouse Hobbs (c) vs. Wardlow
AEW Dynamite Opener:
The opening package for the show airs. The commentators welcome the audience to the show.
Jungle Boy’s music plays and he comes out to the ring. Before he could say anything, Sammy Guevara’s music hit and he comes out to the ring. Before could say anything, Darby Allin’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring.
Darby starts by saying he’s known Sammy the longest and he’s liked him the most. He also calls him the least qualified to face off for the title. He says Chris Jericho is holding him back. He also asks him and Jericho to come see him and Sting if they have a probably.
He then says Jack had to work the least to get to AEW. He says Darby was still living in his car while Jack was announced as a member of the AEW roster. He says nothing about Jack intimidates him.
Jack says he always sees a bunch of kids with his face paint. He calls him antisocial and rude to everyone backstage. He then says Darby is here because he didn’t make it as a skateboarder. Jack says he actually respects Sammy the most because with him, what you see is what you get.
He also says he respects that Sammy puts his career on the line every time he wrestles, but he is still a piece of s**t. Sammy says Jack is just like MJF as they were both handpicked to be here. He recalls the opportunities that MJF and Jungle Boy had received.
He says he and Darby are two sides of the same coin. He says Darby gave him hope in this place after he became the first pillar to win a championship. He says he was a better TNT Championship and he did it three times. He then says it is time for Darby to sit back and watch him become the AEW World Championship.
Jack says he will be the next AEW World Champion. MJF’s music plays and he walks out. MJF starts by insulting the crowd. He asks them to stop fighting over him. He then says he spoke to Tony Khan and he decided that there will be a pillar’s tournament and the winner will face him at Double or Nothing. He then says one of them will get a bye in round one and that person is Darby Allin. That means Sammy Guevara will face Jack Perry in the first round tonight.
*Commercial break*
Jamie Hayter & Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. vs. Ruby Soho & Toni Storm
The Outcasts’ music hit and they walk to the ring. Jamie Hayter’s theme song plays and she walks out. Britt Baker’s music plays and she comes out but they are jumped by Toni Storm and Ruby Soho.
Storm sends Hayter into the apron before sending her into the ring. Hayter knocks Storm down. Ruby attacks her from behind. Hayter knocks them both down with a shoulder tackle.
She attacks them in the corner and hits a double suplex. Saraya distracts her and Hayter goes after her. She attacks Storm and sends her into the ring. Storm knocks down Hayter and sends her to the outside. Britt goes to help Hayter and Soho plants her to the floor.
Storm sends Hayter into the ring. She tags out and Soho continues to attack Hayter. Ruby tags out and Storm attacks Hayter in the corner. Storm with a suplex. Cover! 1…2…kick out. Soho distracts the referee as Saraya attacks Hayter. She tags out and Storm continues the assault.
Hayter with a neckbreaker. She tags out and Britt Baker knocks down Storm and hits a slingblade. She hits a neckbreaker on Soho and sends Storm into the turnbuckle. She pulls out her glove. Storm with a German suplex. Baker with an air raid crash. Cover! 1…..2…Soho breaks it up.
Baker and Hayter double team Storm. Soho comes in and takes out Hayter. Saraya whacks Baker with the Women’s title and Storm hits the Storm Zero. Cover! 1….2…kick out.
Soho sets Britt up on the top rope but is knocked off. She hits the panama sunrise. Cover! 1…2…kick out. Baker hits the stomp. Cover! 1..2…kick out. She transitions into the lock jaw and Soho taps out.
Winner: Jamie Hayter & Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D.
Renee is with Wardlow. He says it wasn’t too long ago he had a Horseman with him and so he reached out to Arn Anderson to even the playing field. Arn Anderson says the are going to start doing things differently starting tonight.
The Elite’s music plays and they walk to the ring. Kenny Omega starts by saying these past couple of weeks have been the most difficult for him. He says BCC were four of the most respected professional wrestlers until they attacked them.
He then says that he doesn’t have much to says and the purpose of them being here is invite Blackpool Combat Club to come out and face them.
Bryan Danielson says who is going to pay to see a monologue by a bunch of amateurs. Blackpool Combat Club attack The Elite from behind but they turned the tables on Yuta and Claudio and attack them. Matt Jackson with multiple Northern Lights Suplex on Yuta. Moxley tries to lock in the sleeper hold but Omega revers and punches him. Yuta attacks the biceps of Matt. Nick comes to his rescue. Claudio slams him down. Kenny attacks both Yuta and Claudio. Moxley hits the Deathrider on Omega.
Bryan comes out and says he thought Kenny would be a professional but he is not. Don Callis comes out with a steel chair but he stops and runs away. Bryan continues to say that Kenny has a lot of potential and he doesn’t use and he needs to be gone. Callis gets Takeshita out and he comes in and takes out Blackpool Combat Club.
Kenny with a V Trigger to Yuta and Takeshita hits a blue thunder bomb. The Elite stand tall in the ring.
*Commercial break*
TNT Championship: Powerhouse Hobbs (c) vs. Wardlow
Wardlow’s music plays and he walks to the ring. Powerhouse Hobbs’ theme song plays and he makes his way to the ring.
The match begins and Wardlow attacks Hobbs in the corner. He fights back with a bell-to-belly suplex. Wardlow sends Hobbs out of the ring. He sends Hobbs into the barricade and sends him over it.
Wardlow and Hobbs brawl into the crowd. He drags Hobbs back to ringside. Wardlow sent into the steel steps. Hobbs hits the frog splash. Cover! 1…2..kick out. Hobbs goes to work on Wardlow.
Hobbs sets Wardlow on the top rope but Wardlow knocks him down and hits the senton bomb. Both men exchange strikes in the ring. Wardlow with a clothesline and a German suplex.
He then headbutts Hobbs and hits a lariat. Harley is on the apron and QT hits the diamond cutter. Hobbs hits the spinebuster. Cover! 1…2….kick out. QT is arguing with the referee. Arn Anderson comes in and QT backs off. Penta superkicks him and Arn hits the DDT.
Wardlow hits the powerbomb. He does it again and again for the win.
Winner: Wardlow (c)
Christian’s music plays and he comes out with Luchasaurus and they stare down Wardlow.
Renee interviews Sammy Guevara but he is stopped by MJF who says they have gotten off to the wrong foot. Sammy asks him to get to the point. MJF says he has an agreement and he offers him a guaranteed spot for the AEW World Championship. Sammy says he will win the AEW World Championship. MJF says the odds of him doing that on his own is almost impossible. He then says he will offer him any amount he wants. Guevara picks his price and MJF agrees to hit and they hug.
Jay White vs. Komander
Komander’s music plays and he comes out to the ring. Jay White’s theme song plays and he makes his way to the ring.
The match starts and they shake hands. White attacks Komander in the corner. Komander fights back with a back heel kick. He then attacks Jay in the corner. Komander with a hurricanrana sending White out of the ring.
He goes for a moonsault but Jay evades and slams him into the apron. Jay sends him into the ring. Cover! 1..2…kick out. White sends Komander out of the ring. Jay argues with Shawn Spears who is at ringside. Jay White chops Komander. White sends Komander into the ring and hits a bodyslam. Cover! 1…2….kick out.
Jay White goes to work on Komander. Jay attacks Komander in the corner. Jay White knocks down Komander with a lariat. Jay White is on the top rope and Komander kicks him down. Komander with a thrust kick. He walks the ropes and dives onto White. He climbs the top rope and hits the shooting star press. Cover! 1..2…kick out.
He hits the phoenix splash. Cover! 1…2..kick out. Komander climbs the top rope and goes for a phoenix splash but misses and Jay White hits the cut throat suplex. He then hits the blade runner for the win.
Winner: Jay White
Juice Robinson and Shawn Spears brawl at ringside and the numbers catchup. Ricky Starks comes out and spears Robinson as Jay White runs away.
Renee is backstage with FTR and she tells them Mark Briscoe was attacked. FTR go to check with Mark. He says he is ready to roll. FTR says they will take care of it. Mark asks Jay Lethal and Jeff Jarrett to team with FTR. They agree and shake hands.
Chris Jericho’s music plays and he comes out to the ring.
*Commercial break*
Adam Cole’s music plays and he walks to the ring. Cole starts by saying a lot of his foundation was inspired by Chris Jericho. He says he read his first book in high school and he wanted to be like Chris Jericho and now they are sharing a ring together. He says he has a ton of respect for him and they shake hands.
Chris Jericho says he has been watching a lot of his stuff and he has zero respect for Cole. He calls him an arrogant son of a b**ch. He says the audacity Cole showed last week was unacceptable. He also threatens to slap Cole.
Cole calls Jericho a jagoff. He asks how hypocritical he can be and he asks when did he look in the mirror and ask himself who is the real Chris Jericho. He says the real Jericho is an insecure fickle stupid idiot.
Cole says he doesn’t want to play any more games. Jericho wanted his attention and he’s got it. Jericho says he is not a jagoff. He says Cole doesn’t impress him. Jericho says Cole doesn’t want to meet him or have anything to do with him. He then asks Cole to leave the ring.
He shoves Cole and Cole attacks him. Daniel Garcia attacks him from behind.. Jericho also joins in the attack. Britt Baker comes out to his rescue and slaps Jericho. The Outcasts come out from under the ring and attack Britt Baker from behind.
Garcia handcuffs Adam Cole. Jericho gets a kendo stick and hands it to Saraya who hits Britt Baker multiple times.
Matt Hardy is backstage and he says he will let them know the date for the firm deletion.
The Acclaimed vs. JAS
JAS’ theme song plays and they come out to the ring. The Acclaimed’s music plays next and they come out to the ring with Max Caster rapping their song.
JAS attack The Acclaimed and they all brawl. Bowens attacks Angelo Parker in the ring. Bowens tags out and Caster bodyslams Parker and Bowens hits a leg drop. Caster witha. dropkick. Hager knocks him down. Parker tags out and Matt attacks him and tags out. Hager continues the assault.
Hager tags out and Matt attacks Caster in the ring. He tags out and Parker comes in and goes to work on Caster. He tags out and Hager kicks Caster in the face. He goes for a Hager bomb but Caster gets his foot up.
Caster tags out and Billy Gunn attacks JAS. He goes for the famasser but misses and Hager plants him to the mat. Cover! 1..2..kick out. Both men tag out and Bowens and Matt exchange strikes. Bowens with a superkicks. Parker attacks Bowens with a foreign object. Cover! 1…2…kick out.
Parker hits Hager with a foreign object accidentally. Billy Gunn breaks the comb. Bowens tags out and hits the arrival while Caster hits the mic drop for the win.
Winner: The Acclaimed
First Round of Pillar’s Tournament: Sammy Guevara vs. Jack Perry
Sammy Guevara’s music plays and he walks to the ring.
*Commercial break*
Jack Perry’s music plays and he walks to the ring.
The match begins and Jack sends him out of the ring. He hits a suicide dive and sends him into the ring. Sammy hits a suicide dive and sends him into the ring. Jack with a hurricanrana and he sends Sammy into the ring. Jack climbs the top rope and Sammy hits a Spanish fly.
Both men exchange strikes on the apron. Jack with a superkick. He climbs the middle turnbuckle and dives but is caught with a knee strike. Sammy hits a Spanish fly to the floor.
Sammy sends Jack Perry over the barricade. Both men exchange strikes. Jack sends Sammy into the ringside area. Sammy sends Jack into the ring and attacks him. Sammy goes to work on Jack Perry. Jack fights back with a lariat.
Perry with a apron bomb. He sends him in the ring and hits a Canadian destroyer off the top rope. Jack climbs the top rope but is stopped by Sammy. Sammy then climbs the top rope and goes for shooting star but lands on his feet and hits a thrust kick. He then hits a Sammy cutter. Sammy then hits a vicious DDT. Cover! 1..2…kick out.
Sammy goes for GTH but Jack counters with a reverse hurricanrana. He goes for a elbow strike but misses and Sammy hits the poisonrana and Jack comes back with an elbow strike.
Guevara goes for the knee strike but Jack locks him in the snare trap but Sammy gets to the ropes. Jack places him in the tree of woe but he escapes and dropkicks Jack sending him flying into the timekeeper’s table.
Sammy distracts the referee and MJF attacks Jack with the Dyanmite Diamond Ring. The referee counts to ten and Sammy advances to the next round.
Winner: Sammy Guevara
Following the match, MJF celebrates in the ring with Sammy Guevara.
This ends our live coverage of AEW Dyanmite!